MALOKARPATAN Vertumnus Caesar out Friday October 27th!

Invictus Productions in conspiracy with The Ajna Offensive are pleased to announce that the fourth Malokarpatan album Vertumnus Casear, will be released on Friday October 27th! Continuing in the inimitable Malokarpatan style, Vertumnus Caesar leans a little heavier into more traditional heavy metal sounds and as a whole and is the band’s most cohesive sounding album to date! The vinyl edition will be on regular black vinyl and limited brown vinyl. Artwork and layout by Astrid Bergdahl.

You can hear a brand new track, titled ‘Ko​á​r postupuje temnomodr​ý​mi d​á​lavami na juhoz​á​pad’ from the album at Bandcamp and Soundcloud!
The track listing for the LP is as follow;
1. Na okraji priepaste otevíra sa hviezdny zámek
(On the Side of the Abyss, the Starry Castle Opens)
2. Kočár postupuje temnomodrými dálavami na juhozápad
(The Carriage Moves Southwest Through the Dark-Blue Distances)
3. Vertumnus Caesar
4. Vovnútri chlácholivého útočišta kunstkamru
(Withinside the Kunstkammer’s Soothing Solace)
5. Panstvo salamandrov jest v kavernách zeme
(The Mansion of Dragons Is in Caverns of the Earth)
6. Maharal a Golem
(The Maharal and the Golem)
7. Mnohoraké útrapy milostpána Kelleyho
(The Manifold Sufferances of Sir Kelley)
8. I hle, tak zachádza imperiálna hviezda
(And Lo, Thus the Imperial Star Descends)

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